All Running to the Same Place

Ok, so I am not what you might call a topical writer, most of my stuff is internal, personal and on an individual level rather than being inspired by outside events. That being said, since the bombings in Boston last Monday I have been struggling with how to express something, had words brewing inside like I had something I wanted to say but just didn’t quite know what it was or how to say it. After having some time to digest and assimilate events and feelings and impressions this is what I have come up with. It is rough and kind of jagged, but that is part of it really. I don’t mean this to seem like a capitalization of the recent, tragic events, I just had to respond to this for some reason, something about this event was a last straw kind of thing, a reaction to all the horribleness I hear and see in the world every day, from all directions. Maybe someone out there will read this and it will speak to them, but who knows, maybe it’s just my reaching for something positive for once. I shall let my faithful readers decide.

Constant forward motion
Pump, churn, breathe in out
Steam pressure heat
Muscle push pull tendon bone
World spinning out unravelling road tapestry
One stride at a time
Universe narrow corridor expanding
Rolling on
Outwards, towards something
Undefined destination, fixed point
Finish line taped to horizon fleeing
Beckoning, tantalizing out of reach
Forever carrot dangling first place ribbon promise
Daring, cajoling, bright light challenge
Banner shout roaring ocean surf tidal
Riding always forward, arrow straight
Shot past cold doubt wet leaf clinging fear pain pulling, tugging, dragging
Lead weight dead iron clamped shackled
Yet we must keep running
Towards the light, the heat
Dawn, hope, love, life all hands reaching to pull us on.
To cease is the end full stop
Dead dark nothing more
We all have to keep running
Or else we all fall down.

39 Responses to “All Running to the Same Place”

  1. don't stop Says:


  2. just over the horizon Says:

    “it’s just my reaching for something positive for once”
    Be courageous, reach twice. Others too. Make it a habit. Watch the changes that take place – everywhere.

  3. patiently awaiting Says:

    How can any topic fail to benefit from your studied gaze?

  4. o t b gene Says:

    All Running to the Same Place
    with some regrets
    the last canoe trip
    anger expressing fear and deep sadness
    please forgive

  5. wutsa werdwerth Says:

    hello, world
    spray a few comments
    on these efforts

  6. tweet ureass Says:

    we are flesh and blood
    numerous as grains of sand
    not listeners
    of mechanical birdsong
    eager for more lyric
    in the soundtrack of life
    the electric flow
    from mind
    to key
    to cloud
    to see

  7. spin cycle wilson Says:

    lucky number eighty
    greetings in plain sight
    why does the race often move in so many circles?

  8. cos neilstello Says:

    we all fall down
    lyric time

  9. beano dunraomin Says:

    sole commentary has its perks
    will now make a digital noise
    like the unwitnessed falling tree
    no one faaaaaaaart! will hear

  10. jeu n'egg ziss paw Says:

    hope the journey passes favourable terrain
    manifest possiblity

  11. r2treepee0 Says:


  12. phigmento imaginatum Says:

    it is it is not it may be it maybe bees
    and vikings
    and their keepers

  13. touloos da stool Says:

    mes deux cent’s worth
    le vent a votre dos

  14. distant relative Says:

    reaching for something positive…

    warm summer’s night filled with fireflies’ glowing trails
    the cooling breath of air off the lake
    reward for living the day’s foundry heat
    loons calling up the sliver of moon
    sweet loving voices around a campfire

  15. dull ass textus Says:

    try as one might
    no comment
    too tired
    after biblical storms
    broken forest
    ah summer…

  16. uno hoo Says:

    on my way, bump into rob and shawn
    music hath cast its shadow again
    have surrendered to possibility
    let the journey bring what it may

  17. emille de bonne chance Says:

    trois cent!!!!
    bravo brave runner!!!

  18. wether permitting Says:

    time to toss a new one up
    move out of the comfort zone again, please
    always the potential for an unexpected gift from your mind to us

  19. a prayer from the north Says:

    its time
    this is a ggod part of you
    set aside the day’s complaint
    observe an early morning at the end of summer
    those who know you will benefit from the effort

  20. quatre cent Says:

    write now, please
    especially as fall moves over the land
    harvest a few mots
    pinch a loaf

  21. arse petit 4 Says:

    busy route
    candy cane
    toute la boot

  22. jedi boole Says:

    u don’t need to not stop not writing … not

  23. lots of folk waving in celebration as you pass by today on your journey

  24. that choklitChip cookie that thinks it za candee Says:

    message received

  25. thursday mulligan Says:

    cinq cent!!!

  26. runner 63 Says:

    next leg of the journey is here
    let it be encountered with a clear, open mind
    one that allows happiness in
    we all travel separate paths yet share this as a common experience

  27. pater tater Says:

    slowing the race a bit for dingdong time
    thinking of you daily

  28. dingdong time cannucus Says:

    never more than a keystroke away
    always interested and curious

  29. henri davide wiyttman Says:

    comment count gettin’ real high
    better write something ‘fore she blows

  30. peied laphin Says:

    oh yah,
    Slaughterhouse Five
    little story here
    from a keen but young mind
    “How many were in the series?”

  31. mme boite de cure dents Says:

    six cents

  32. l'homme de sand viens ici Says:

    un livre
    pour you
    page three-tens-quatre
    c’est ca

  33. the hatchet on rock - in the wilderness Says:

    … in plain sight
    look over all your posts
    all your comments

    during your worst moments in life
    the darkest most isolated places where fear threatens to consume you

    know that, not even for one instant, you are not alone in this journey (race)

    never alone

  34. watching from away Says:

    good news means more fodder for the pen
    lyrics in the offing

  35. phiston pharkus Says:

    sept cent!!!
    jam bone!

  36. youz yer werds dammit Says:

    taped your fingers together again, huh

  37. auffur noodlesworth Says:

    blessed are those with wheels
    part of their journey may be conducted in relative comfort
    and, perhaps, joy
    parupapum pun

  38. augh enonn Says:

    pay attention dear son
    this is not the work of an ocd being at the mouse
    there’s got ta B others keen on wut U rit

  39. just over the horizon Says:

    now, we rest
    look over the landscape from a new vantage point
    in the month of light, wonders are possible

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